Friday, May 16, 2014

Donald Sterling

A couple weeks ago TMZ realesed a tape record of Donald Sterling the owner of the Clippers and V. Stiviano having a conversation. The conversation was about Sterling telling Stiviano not to take pictures with with people or take them to the game. He was referring to the picture she took with Magic Johnson and them posted it on Instagram. When I was realesed Sterling became silent but the African American and basketball community didn't. The Clippers wore there shirts inside out as protest and many celebrities voiced their opinion about it. Fans were boycotting games and companies stopped sponsering the team. Finally the commissioner of the NBA banned Sterling from ever entering a basketnall game again and made him pay a 2.5 million dollar fine. Sterling has said that he is not a racist and he is not selling the team or paying the fine. Oprah and magic Johnson have both talked about buy the Clippers. In a interview with Sterling, Sterling said that he was baiting and then after the tape was realesed Johnson called him and told him to wait and not do anything becuase he would handle it. Magic Johnsom has been bad mouthing Sterling ever since the tape came out. In my opinion I think the punishment was too harsh because he is an 80 year old man and  if the thing he said about Magic Johnson is true than he didn't have a fair chance to explain himself. 


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